Contact the BedBug Chasers Team Today for the BEST South Jersey and Philadelphia Bed Bug Treatment if you have Bed Bug Symptoms!
The most effective Philadelphia Bed Bug Treatment is by heating them quickly, a method called ‘Heat Shock‘. Since the early 1900s, bed bugs have been controlled by heating infested rooms or whole buildings to temperatures of at least 113 deg. Fahrenheit. Today, we know the critical temperature to kill all stages of bed bugs is 122 deg. Fahrenheit.
Heat is the most effective, efficient, cleanest, quickest and SAFEST way to achieve total Philly and South NJ Bed Bugs Treatment if you have Bed Bug Symptoms and Bed Bug Bites!
NEW – Not sure if you have Bed Bugs? BedBug Chasers of Philadelphia now has Bed Bug Dog Detection Services, be 100% sure – not all bites are bed bugs!